How to become a genius

  1. Who is a genius
  2. Geniuses are born or become
  3. Real genius
  4. Everybody can be a genius
  5. Is it possible to become a genius

Yes, indeed, you heard right today, you will learn the secret of how to become a genius, like almost any person, and without any inhuman efforts on his part, can become a real genius Yes, indeed, you heard right today, you will learn the secret of how to become a genius, like almost any person, and without any inhuman efforts on his part, can become a real genius. Well, in fact, there is nothing here of supernatural, and all the more impossible, and no, and who, if there is such an opportunity for rapid development, will abandon it?

Who wants to be mediocre and empty, let her of course remain, well, we, people who are not afraid to develop, today we learn the recipe for genius of 99% of the geniuses of this world , and of course we will try to become this very, I will not be afraid of this word genius. And even more, a genius is not in any particular industry, but a genius in many areas of human knowledge and at the same time of physical development .

Of course, the sooner you start working on yourself, the greater and faster results you will achieve . But even if you are already far from 4-5 years old, nothing is lost yet, with this technique and your desire you can quickly achieve such results that most people in our modern world haven’t dreamed of.

Who is a genius

Well, let's get started in order, before becoming a genius, you need to understand who the real genius really is. In fact, in the modern world, and before that , all people were called geniuses who were an order of magnitude or even several orders of magnitude superior to the level of development of an ordinary person .

And this applies to any direction of human development, whether it is the level of intelligence, whether it is physical abilities, achievements in music, drawing, poetry, invention, and even business, spiritual development and anything else.

In fact, most of the paranormal abilities, so to speak, are also not given from birth, and they can also be successfully developed to the desired level with the help of this technique, self-development has almost no boundaries.

That is, in fact, in order to become a genius, it is sufficient to significantly exceed the level of development of ordinary average people, and this is what we will learn today. Of course, you can rightly argue that there are geniuses from birth, and it’s just impossible to become them simply physically they can only be born.

Geniuses are born or become

Yes, it is no longer a secret, there really are geniuses from birth, but believe in 99.9% of cases it is not worth becoming them even having this opportunity.

Firstly, geniuses from birth are people with a genetic code that was initially damaged , often with some noticeable physical disabilities, and in the end they are incapable of initially diversifying. Perhaps they have some higher purpose, or is it just a joke of nature, a curse, or even the will of chance.

But in fact, geniuses from birth are engaged in all their life only in one thing, or even more often they are not engaged in anything, they are almost always not happy, and in addition, due to the imbalances of one-sided development, they die very early, often not even reaching 30 years of age.

Therefore, if you do not have gills and you do not multiply twenty-digit numbers from childhood, consider yourself lucky, now you can achieve everything yourself, and this will be much more deserving and more useful.

Okay, we will talk about happiness separately in the articles, although this is also a very important factor, but remember now: not one major development bias will ever lead to happiness. After all, happiness is harmony, and harmony is a diversified development. And any direction of self-development will be much more effective if you already have a lot of knowledge in other areas. And in business, it is still several times more relevant.

Real genius

And now in a conversation about how to become a genius, remember the real harmonious and diversified geniuses. Even the most familiar and well-known Leonardo Davinchi would deservedly receive in our time a whole pile of Nobel prizes.

Just think how it is possible at the same time to be a brilliant doctor of his time, a brilliant engineer, a mathematician, a philosopher, an astrologer, an artist, and many more things that we leave behind the scenes for now. And by the way, for sure, and not a bad businessman, as well as a lot of money is also needed for his property and dozens of various experiments.

And in the modern world this material aspect that has already bothered everyone is even more relevant, since with unlimited resources you can develop much faster in any area you like. And there are so many areas of activity that can only be done if there are large material resources.

So why artificially limit yourself in self-development, because such a wonderful and diverse world was created specifically to expand the range of your potential opportunities, and not so that you specifically limit yourself. Therefore, now the material sphere is one of the important areas of your life, so to speak, fertile ground for your self-development.

And there is nothing bad in materiality, as many people think about it, in reality even good hospitals, schools, and the like, someone creates such institutions, and these are obviously not the worst people on earth. And even more so for the creation of something more global, you simply cannot do without money, even if your intentions are noblest.

Everybody can be a genius

And in the end, you do not think that Leonardo Davinchi is the only harmoniously developed and brilliant man on the planet earth. You hope you know that most of the Greek and Roman philosophers were both great mathematicians and doctors and engineers, and moreover often for all that, at the same time won at the Olympic Games.

And, of course, this list of versatile developed people of genius can be continued for a very long time, with hundreds if not thousands of well-known and not very famous names from human history. But what to say is really a genius can be anyone who goes on this albeit a long, but very interesting way .

After all, it is enough to even recall another more banal example of a modern actor, athlete, businessman, and further down the list, Arnold Schwarzenegger.

Is it possible to become a genius

You just think of him being at the same time multiple Mr. Olympia, the most popular actor, the successful owner of a restaurant chain, the author of books being read, a politician, and even the governor of a whole state in America. Although not so difficult, because he really likes it all.

But if it is easy, then why have you not yet become at least one of them, and he has become everything at once? But obviously, all this can really catch in just one life, and even much easier and faster than he.

Of course, in order to become a genius, you will need to take many, many more steps along your path to self-improvement , but there is also good news. If you wish, you can become a much more successful person, guided by a very simple logic or even the algorithm of almost all known geniuses in history.

Well, I will not torment you for a long time, and in the next part of the story about how to become a genius, I will tell you already practical with success of great people , your genius and the path of your future great achievements. And of course, also read articles on how to become wise , healthy , the rich , how to succeed , how to become a leader or even holy .

Well, in fact, there is nothing here of supernatural, and all the more impossible, and no, and who, if there is such an opportunity for rapid development, will abandon it?
But if it is easy, then why have you not yet become at least one of them, and he has become everything at once?

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